Now that you have carefully laid the foundations and opened the doors of your new business, you’re probably wondering what your next steps should be. Choosing a high-quality merchant service provider and launching a solid marketing campaign are important, but they’re just the beginning. Although you probably are doing a good amount of advertising on social media and through other digital marketing strategies, there is still a place for joining your local chamber of commerce or other community business organization.

What does a chamber of commerce do?

The first chamber of commerce was founded in France way back in 1599. Ever since, groups of business owners have chosen to band together in their local communities. Why? Being a member means that you are instantly part of a local community. As great as social media is in many respects, it can be extremely isolating. Joining this organization can give you a support system, not only as a source of encouragement but also as a networking vehicle that you can use when you need concrete information, are looking for cross-selling opportunities, or even funding.

The advantages of being a part of a local business owners’ organization.

There are several specific characteristics of these community groups that make joining a good idea.

  • They help your business gain exposure in your local area. Joining a local chamber of commerce means that your business’s name and information can be listed in their resource guides. When potential customers are looking around for the best companies in a particular niche, one of the first places they go is to their local business organization.
  • Promote networking. You never know what can happen when you connect with other business owners in your area. Collaborations and cross-promotions can be mutually beneficial and can create goodwill toward you and your business among your community’s more established members.
  • Access to the organization’s mailing list. Essentially, this is a directory of all the businesses that have joined. Particularly if you sell products to other companies, being able to get your hands on this list can give you sales leads that will help to launch your store.
  • Tips for funding opportunities. Sooner or later, every business needs an infusion of cash. Your local business organization may be able to provide you with tips and resources for applying for grants and loans.
  • Speak with a larger voice. Chambers of commerce pool their resources and advocate on behalf of their members to local governments. Whether you want to raise a concern about excessive regulations or protest a tax, your words are more audible when they come from a group of like-minded citizens.
  • Promotional products. It’s a small thing, but you just might be able to get your hands on free or discounted items while simultaneously reaping the benefits of camaraderie and networking.

Sure, being a part of a local business organization usually requires that you pay a membership fee. You also commit to putting time and effort into your affiliation with the organization. However, even if you perceive these as downsides, the collaboration and exposure opportunities these groups provide can offer unparalleled opportunities to your fledgling operation.

Contact NAB today and see how easy it is to get the merchant services you deserve.