Flexibility and convenience are the priorities of the day in the modern commercial climate. When you think of these terms, you may be tempted to believe that they only apply to your customers. However, the single, simple act of adding a mobile credit card reader to your store will provide these same benefits to you, the busy entrepreneur running everything behind the scenes.

What is a mobile credit card reader?

Not all that many years ago, customers had no choice but to wait in line at the checkout counter to complete their purchases. Once they reached the register, a long-suffering cashier was there to accept the bills and coins or run the card. Because the card reader or point of sale system needed to complete the purchase was connected by wires to the store’s internet, the staff member was tethered to one spot all day.

Mobile wireless technology transformed the status quo. Today, using only a standard smartphone or tablet, an attached card reader, and a payment processing software application, purchases can be completed from anywhere. Best of all, these mobile systems can connect seamlessly with your larger point of sale (POS) system and third-party software, which means that no reporting, or inventory, employee, and customer relationship management features are lost.

Enhanced security and portability for you and your customers.

Thanks to the tap-to-pay feature available on most modern mobile readers, high standards of hygiene can be maintained, leading to a more relaxed shopping experience where your customer’s well-being is a top priority. Meanwhile, you can complete a purchase from anywhere, including at a buyer’s home or on a job site.

The customer service advantage of mobile card readers.

These days, with profit margins as thin as a rail, each penny from every buyer counts. Therefore, you need to pull out all the stops to provide superior service to customers no matter how small or large their purchase might be.

A mobile POS system gives your sales associates an array of powerful tools that they can take with them anywhere on the floor. A customer who asks for help finding a particular object might actually benefit from in-depth information about the merchandise, as well as recommendations of peripherals that could accompany it. With the right mobile POS solution, all of these details are available to your staff member with just a few clicks. In the end, the customer receives a personalized, targeted shopping experience. Meanwhile, your business is likely to gain extra sales as a result of this focused attention.

Because you can provide excellent customer service from anywhere using your mobile reader, you can expand the range of your offerings. Instead of only selling at a physical store, why not take your wares on the road to a craft show, farmers market, or trade exposition? Another option is to go directly to potential buyers’ location of choice, providing maximum convenience and a curated customer experience unlike what most of your competitors offer.

Now that you have discovered their benefits, you may be wondering what the best mobile reader for your business would be. One of your best starting points is to check with your payment service provider. You might be shocked to learn just how affordable and easy to integrate these powerful little systems have become.

Contact NAB today and see how easy it is to get the merchant services you deserve.