No matter how long you have been in business or how small your business, an e-commerce site can help boost it. In fact, if you are not selling your products and services online, you are missing out on a major opportunity for growth.

If you’re not convinced you want to enter the world of online sales, consider the following.


Instead of just being available to those in your area, an e-commerce site puts your products and services out there on the internet for anyone and everyone on it to see and buy. Moreover, there are many people on the internet looking and buying. Research shows that approximately 65.9 percent of North Americans have browsed online and of those, 65 percent have made purchases. In 2016, for the first time, shoppers purchased more online than they did in stores.

It’s the Future

Online retail sales are predicted to grow steadily to $370 billion in 2017, which is up from $231 billion in 2012. If you want a piece of that, it is time to take your business online.

You Snooze, You Lose

People like the convenience of online shopping, and as it has become more secure and efficient, they like it even more. From toilet paper to trucks, people want to shop from the convenience of their couch or while they are waiting for their flight in an airport. If your product is not there for them to buy, they simply won’t; they will buy it from your competitor who is online.

Of course, some people will always prefer to shop in person, in an actual store, but most consumers like the option to do both.

Always On

Your e-commerce site can be managed from anywhere and is operational 24/7. You will be selling in your sleep.

It’s Simpler Than You May Think

For all the benefits, it is relatively simple to set up a mobile-friendly e-commerce site and inexpensive too. In fact, the cost of setting up an e-commerce site is usually lower than that of a brick and mortar store. While you will incur costs for things like shipping, an e-commerce platform and payment gateway, there’s no rent or utilities to pay, and the potential increase in sales can be major.

The bottom line: An e-commerce site allows you to reach new customers and increase sales, so if you do not have one already, it is time to get clicking.

Contact NAB today and see how easy it is to get the merchant services you deserve.