One of the brilliant features of using newsletters for content marketing is that you don’t have to spend too much time at the start of the sales funnel recruiting leads.

Newsletters provide a unique opportunity to make a deeper connection with your prospect or consumer, in the middle of the funnel, where they are more interested in high value content like featured products, solutions and comparative analyses to help guide their decision making.

Design and content are extremely important when it come to newsletters. Simple design, clear calls to action and personalized content make for effective design. Keep the branding consistent to avoid confusing or overwhelming the reader. For more tips, check out these 15 newsletter design examples from Hubspot.

Newsletters should complement your company's blog. Blogging is the foundation of your content marketing strategy, and while it deserves a lot of focus, an e-newsletter is a perfect compliment to the bulk of your content because you can respond directly to your prospects’ interests and questions without bombarding them with information they don’t need.

Newsletters should nurture the prospect. Once a prospect has invited you to communicate with them through email, you have moved past the “first date stage” of content marketing. Consumers will be looking for you to communicate what makes you better than other options. Newsletters can nurture that interest with content that is consistent, concise and compelling. Work to meet the needs of your customer without overselling. Avoid these common mistakes.

Newsletters cultivate trust. A Vertical Response article about various types of newsletters gives six email templates that work to build trust with subscribers and how to communicate about all kinds of topics. Take a look and find one that works for your business.

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